Base de données du plan d'offre

Réglementation des biens immobiliers


You can search using the property name or address, or assigned file number, or search by sponsor or principal name. Once you have located the filing you are searching for, you will be able to access additional information, such as the type of filing, the number and type of units included in it, and the name of the sponsor or the principals of the sponsor, as well as all relevant dates related to the filing. If the documents associated with a particular filing are available to be downloaded, they will appear on a “documents” tab to the right of the “stat card” tab.

The Office of the New York State Attorney General maintains a database of information related to all submitted offering plans and amendments, cooperative policy statement applications, and no-action letter applications. All information, including submission and acceptance for filing dates, plan names and addresses, sponsors and their principals, listings of amendments and their contents, and file numbers and other data, is updated as new offering plans, and amendments are submitted and accepted for filing. 

Amendments to Offering Plans - Content Abbreviations

  • (11) Increase Fee - total offering price increased by amendment
  • (12) Decrease (no fee) - total offering price decreased by amendment
  • (20) Effectiveness amendment
  • (40) Rescission Offer Included
  • (52) New Form M-10 Included
  • (71) Schedule B - Budget with Certification Included
  • (72) Budget without Certification Included
  • (73) Financial Statement Included - _____ year/s
  • (81) Reserve Fund Disclosure
  • (82) Working Capital Fund Disclosure
  • (90) Post-Closing and Sponsor Financial Disclosures Included
  • (99) Other

In addition, we have now posted offering plans and amendments to the database for some plan IDs. If the offering plan or amendments associated with a particular plan ID have been posted to the database, they will appear on a “documents” tab (to the right of the “stat card” tab), where they can be downloaded. If no documents are available, the “documents” tab will not appear.  Additional documents will be posted on an ongoing basis as they are prepared for posting. If the documents you are seeking have not yet been posted to the database, you may request copies of offering plans or amendments pursuant to the New York Freedom of Information Law (FOIL).